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Make It At Market

Twas the most exciting time for so many reasons.

Here are Three of Them......... 

Dom Chinea Micaela Sharp Alison Morrish Upholsterer.JPG

The Cast

Dominic (Dom) Chinea was such a lovely support on the day and made me feel relaxed during filming when I was a right bundle of nerves.

Micaela Sharp was just a delight to have as a mentor and also a massively relaxed presence on the days we filmed. 

The Production Team

Everyone was amazing behind the scenes. Andrew the head producer at Flabbergast TV, Tam ( oh the funny tales), David ( the brolly holder), The lady who went up my skirt to sort my mic, the other lady who brought us kit-kats and could talk more than me and Lauren the amazing producer who looked after us all so well. 

alison morrish make it at market leaning on the sign with Hayley Poulter.jpg

The Crafters

Never have I met such a bunch of most amazingly supportive artist and crafters in one place. The skills, stories, ideas and love was monumental.

It was a massively emotive and bonding experience. I love you all!!!!!! ( especially you Hayley Poulter )

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